

根据我们的路灯设计技巧,为您的道路项目成功做好准备. 然后,了解Cree照明的街道照明选项如何提供帮助.

  • 城市规划师须知
  • 为承包商
  • 为设计师
  • 新建筑
  • 改造
发表于: 3/19/2021

Standing guard along our roadways, street lights allow communities to be safe and active after dark.

驾车者可以上下班, 行人可以遛狗或享受城市夜生活, 骑自行车的人可以享受他们的两轮旅行, 和更多的. Well-structured municipal and residential 街道照明 is key to ensuring motorists and pedestrians are safe. 

在克里族照明, 我们致力于为您提供高效的服务, 强大的照明解决方案,使您的社区处于最佳状态. Read below to learn more about what to keep in mind when planning your 街道照明 design.


说到路灯的设计, 记住一些最佳实践是很重要的. 的 Illuminating Engineering Society’s recommended practice for the design and maintenance of roadway lighting (IES RP-8-18) breaks down this important role into five goals for 街道照明 设计:

  1. 提高驾驶者的视觉质量
  2. 提供高质量的光线和增加对比度,以看到危险
  3. 照亮冲突地区
  4. 尽量减少夜间光线对环境的影响
  5. 采用易于维护和尽量减少能源消耗的照明系统

实现这些目标需要一种减少眩光的灯具, 提供良好的色彩质量和对比度, 是否有合适的间距和高度, offers options to direct light only where it’s desired and is easily accessible for maintenance to reduce downtime. 的 lighting design process then incorporates these qualities with location-based factors to find the optimal solution.


我们的 路灯组合, 包括RSW®系列, XSP系列, Traveyo®系列等, 提供的质量和灵活性, 结合我们团队的专业知识, 这些目标能成为现实吗.

认识到街道照明远非“一刀切”,“让我们来谈谈我们的团队在一个路灯项目中评估的考虑因素. 了解这些将帮助你为项目的成功做好准备.


一个简单的地方开始了解你的照明需求是评估 巷道的应用程序 -灯具是否会照亮以每小时25英里或更低速度行驶的住宅街道, 收集30至55英里每小时的道路, 或者以每小时55英里或更高的速度行驶在主要道路和高速公路上? 这是一条经验法则, 路上的车辆越快, 光源所需的流明越大. When it comes to CCTs, lower, warmer color temperatures are often preferred for residential areas. 具有较低cct的灯具过去效率较低, 但LED十大赌博信誉的平台已经进步到这种程度.

行人交通 是另一个重要因素. An example of high 行人交通 would be a downtown area with an abundance of evening foot traffic along its streets and crosswalks. A medium 行人交通 area would be an area like that around a library or a gym with pedestrians walking to or from the destination. 最后, an area of low 行人交通 would be a rural road where the presence of pedestrians and cyclists is minimal. 这些级别将决定所需的水平和垂直光的值. Check out our application gallery’s section on municipal lighting to see how we can serve your project.

为了考虑光如何从表面反射出去, 道路材料 is yet another variable ranging from clean white concrete (R1) to fresh black asphalt (R4). 随着时间的推移创造最佳价值, 我们的团队通常计划关卡R2和R3, 破旧的沥青和肮脏的混凝土. 一旦你考虑了道路应用程序, 行人交通, 巷道材料, you’re well on your way to understanding how to plan the ideal lighting design and choosing the right street lights for your cities and towns.


Another important question is whether your project is a lighting upgrade or a new development. 如果你要替换现有的照明, factors like pole height and spacing may already be defined and may be boundaries that the design has to work within. Upgrading your 街道照明 fixtures to LED guarantees lower costs and higher efficiency, 但规划好接下来的步骤仍然是一个好主意.

新发展, 另一方面, are a wonderful opportunity to allow the lighting designer to use these values as tools to build the optimal solution. 如果你要把固定变量放在适当的位置,确保它是有意义的.

当你考虑到其他特定的需求和特征使你的项目独一无二时, think about environmental factors that will either impact your lighting or be impacted by it, 比如当地的野生动物和社区.

Lower color temperatures and shields are options to increase visual comfort and limit disruption. 我们很高兴地与大家分享,RSW®和Traveyo®系列已加入我们的the EDGE®, LEDway®和304系列户外全国十大赌博官网组合 乌龟灯.

在某些条件下, RSW®, XSP和Traveyo®系列 are all “Dark Sky Approved” by the International Dark Sky Association, 证明灯具“最大限度地减少眩光,同时减少光侵入和天光.” This keeps light where it’s needed to enhance safety and visibility while reducing light spill that can affect wildlife or obscure night sky viewing.

RSW® 系列照明旧金山的街道

认识我们的市政 & 住宅街道照明系列

我们的道路投资组合具有我们的溢价 户外LED区域灯 比如RSW®, XSP和Traveyo®系列, 所有与工具访问和一系列的cct和流明水平, 每个人都有独特的优势来为你的项目提供帮助.

的 RSW®系列 利用我们的 WaveMax®十大赌博信誉的平台 最大限度地提高一致性,舒适性和吸引力. 创新的光波导平台可减少眩光, uniform light distribution and high color quality to create a visually comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment. 它为色彩质量要求很高的应用程序提供80 CRI. 而它的性能使其成为任何道路应用的领先解决方案, 这些特点使其在住宅环境中特别具有吸引力.

的 Traveyo®系列 is our latest roadway lighting family that offers future-ready engineering at the most accessible price point. It features a standard 7-pin NEMA® photocell receptacle that is pre-wired for dimming and network controls and Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) options for all configurations in the series. DALI allows luminaires to be controlled individually or by groups and enables two-way communication between the luminaire and control node so that users can easily be aware of each luminaire’s operating status.

确保社区和野生动物能够以积极的方式共存, both RSW® and Traveyo®系列 now offer turtle-friendly (TRL) amber LEDs and lumen packages consistent with the guidelines of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), 负责保护美国大部分地区.S. 海龟数量. Whereas some lighting discourages adult sea turtles from coming ashore to lay eggs at night and confuses hatchlings leaving the nest, 克里族照明’s amber light technology uses true monochromatic amber LEDs to produce wavelengths that are less visible to turtles and other wildlife.  

的 XSP系列 has the distinction of being our most well-known roadway luminaire with over one million luminaires installed around the world, 和计算. 除了质量和可靠性的声誉, 它共享流明级RSW系列的多功能性, 同时提供Q选项和X选项. Choosing the Q option means that the lumen output is adjustable in the field if need be; choosing the X option means that the lumen output is locked down while in production in the factory to levels required for optimized lighting design.


当你准备着手你的道路项目与这些设计变量在脑海中, 我们给你三条建议:

  • 确保所有人都坐到桌子上.
    市政府代表, utility company and local community are all helpful to have at the table from the beginning to ensure the project can unfold smoothly and meet the needs of all involved. 当你把你的规格放在一起的时候, we also encourage you to seek input from lighting manufacturers for valuable insight on the options available.
  • 尽可能避免使用固定变量.
    Limiting certain values like pole spacing and height unnecessarily limits the ability of the lighting designer to create the best value. 如果你把固定的值放在适当的位置,确保它是有意义的.
  • 认识到最低的价格并不意味着对选民最好的服务.
    明智地利用市政资源有比价格更多的因素. 确保您有一个解决方案,将服务于您的社区在未来几年, 注意质量和可靠性. 我们的 luminaires undergo a rigorous 6-point testing process in our state-of-the-art reliability lab in Racine, 威斯康辛州, ensuring our products perform at the highest levels and are durable enough to stand the test of time and endure tough conditions.

更多信息,请查看我们的街道照明案例研究和 建议实践的街道照明网络研讨会,或致电262-886-1900或info@creelighting与我们联系.com.






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